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New Year, New You
   01/04/2023 12:31:53
New Year, New You

A new year begins, in which we all seek to be the best version of ourselves,

We make resolutions that we hope to achieve, although it is not always the case.

But this gives us motivation to start the year and that is why it is important to have them.

We learn year after year that it is good to have goals and fight for them.

At the end of each year, we are left with the satisfaction of having fulfilled them and those we have not, we can always write them down again in the list, each year comes with a new opportunity to make them come true.

The more realistic our resolutions are, the easier it will be to fulfill them and even more so if they will make us be a better person, be healthier, have better habits, improve our relationship with others, prepare ourselves more professionally, etc.

Whatever they are, it is important to fulfill them.

We must make a mental review of everything we have experienced during the year, the things we liked and the things we did not like, as well as the things that could be improved, and then imagine what our life would be like if we make some improvements in it.

We need this time for reflection, to learn from our experiences, to take advantage of the experience, to rethink our priorities and to set ourselves new challenges.

It is often a bit discouraging when we remember that we did not achieve the goals of the previous year, because life is easier when we do not pursue any goal, but everything good always requires effort, and the reward for having at least tried or at best achieved it is incredibly good. 

As difficult as it may seem if you can change your habits, and with it your life, if you can abandon the past to create a better future.

To begin with, when you propose, even better if you do it in writing, your brain is already programming itself to make it happen, and the more time you spend thinking about it and developing plans and strategies to achieve it, the more your brain will already be in the process of making it happen.

Your brain is your most important ally in making everything do you propose to happen.

Do not leave it all to willpower, it is not a constant struggle, on the contrary, you have to involve positive emotions to the new habits and to see yourself as if they were already part of your life.

Create a positive environment, surround yourself with people who encourage you to fulfill your resolutions and stay away from naysayers.

I mentioned before to write down your resolutions, but on paper, by hand.

You are going to write on one side the negative thoughts you have about yourself, for example: “I am not able to eat healthy” and on the other side write its opposite, for example: “I will find an easy and practical way to eat healthy”.

Once you have finished, read that list, but focusing on the positive, your life can change if you want it to.

By making that list you are already increasing the likelihood of achieving everything you have listed.

When a negative thought enters your mind try to ignore it, do not give it importance, the energy we spend on overthinking and visualizing negative scenarios we have to use it to think positively, otherwise we will only be moving away from our goals.

There are things we cannot control, such as what others do or what has already happened, but what we can control is how we react to what happens to us in the here and now, create new opportunities for the future by focusing only on what you can control today, remember that this is where the future begins.

You will have even more support if you have a schedule for the activities that will lead you to fulfill your purposes, by having that organization you will make them become a routine, and the routine will become a habit.

Share your resolutions with your nearest and dearest, this will help you not to be alienated from them, for example: if they know you are trying to eat healthier, they will refrain from inviting you to eat at a fast-foods places, you can even plan to exercise together, the important thing is that they know and they will surely support you as much as possible.

It's important that you celebrate each step, no matter how small it may be, because each step will be bringing you closer to your goal, enjoy and be happy with the progress, it's not only about doing it when you have achieved it.

Equally important is to reward yourself for having passed the level, do not lose sight of the final goal, but it is important to feel proud of the small steps.

You are your own priority, never put yourself after anything or anyone, always sleep 8 hours a day, eat healthy, exercise, being physically well will help you meet your goals, whatever they may be.

Sometimes we waste time trying to please others, it is good to say ‘no’ when it is something that takes us away from what we want to achieve, never lose sight of your goal.

On the way to fulfill our purposes, we can make mistakes, do not despair, it is allowed to fall as long as you get up again, learn what made you fall and move forward, keep moving forward.

It is almost impossible to achieve them all at the same time, it is better to prioritize and channel all our energies goal by goal, otherwise you will end up abandoning them all.

Don't fall into setting trite resolutions, really think about what you want, we don't always want the same things, nor do we all have the same goals.

Remember that life is a race, but in the end, you are only competing against yourself.

We must remember that there are no small steps, as long as we do not stop moving forward, it is about building habits that stay in our lives, for life.


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